How Acquisition Of Material Things Makes You Temporarily Happy!

Do you feel you need to keep buying material things to make yourself happy?

Have you experienced the happy emotion lasting for few hours?

We tend to often buy things that we don’t really need. It may make you happy but don’t you think it’s just for a fleeting moment. There will always be a great moment of happiness as soon as we get whatever we desire, but after a while, that same thing that we treasured so much would start becoming unimportant as soon as we see something else worth having. It never satisfies our desire for happiness.

Over the past years, various psychological research has shown that experiences bring more happiness than do possessions. Experiences usually make people happier because they are less likely to measure the value of their experiences by comparing them to those of others.
Many times our purchases cost us more than we realize, that price is time. The time away in acquiring material things and constantly comparing wealth with others. It takes away the time from those we love and from doing what we enjoy. Thus, buying things out of absolute necessity is definitely okay but don’t try to pursue happiness through buying and acquiring material things. Material things matter but not at the expense of everything else.

Another instance is when we keep trying to buy things even when it’s not necessary. At times possessing more things create more anxiety as well. One is preoccupied with maintaining them which leads to stress. However, Material things or shopping does not quench our desire for contentment. No matter how much we get, it’s never enough.
So would you like to hear someone talking about their possession or would you rather hear about their experiences? Hence, redirect your desires towards lasting pursuits and find happiness there.

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